Former Indian cricketer is reportedly headed towards separation from his wife after 20 years of marriage. According to a report by Hindustan Times, the couple married in 2004 have now unfollowed each other which has sparked divorce rumours. The speculation grew when Sehwag posted pictures from his Diwali celebrations which only included his son and mother, with his wife Aarti absent from the picture. Sehwag even shared a visit to Vishwa Nagayakshi Temple in Palakkad on Instagram two weeks ago without mentioning about Aarti. Sehwag is yet to make an official statement but his social media activities have actively fueled further speculations.
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Also Read: Who Is Virender Sehwag Wife Aarti Ahlawat?
Virender Sehwag And Aarti Ahlawat
Virender Sehwag and Aarti have known each other since childhood. When Sehwag saw Aarti for the first time, he was 7 years old and Aarti was 5 years old. Sehwag and Aarti remained friends for 17 years, after which in the year 2002 Sehwag proposed Aarti, and she immediately said yes to Sehwag’s proposal. After which Sehwag and Aarti got married to each other in the year 2004. Both of them also have 2 children, Aryavir and Vedant.
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Who Is Aarti Ahlawat?
Aarti Ahlawat is the daughter of Delhi’s famous lawyer Suraj Singh Ahlawat. However, it is believed that Sehwag’s family was not ready for this marriage. During an interview, Sehwag also said that initially our parents were not ready for this marriage. Because in our family, marriages do not take place between close relatives. It took time to convince the family and later they got married.