The recent meeting of Vinod Kambli and Sachin Tendulkar in Mumbai last month created a lot of buzz in social media. Kambli, who has been ill for some time, went through treatment at Akruti Hospital in Thane for brain clots. In an interview to Dainik Bhaskar, Kambli mentioned about Sachin’s son, Arjun Tendulkar, is “a gifted cricketer”. Picked by Mumbai Indians in the IPL 2025 mega auction for a whopping Rs 30 lakh, Arjun has become friendly with Kambli’s family and often passes time with Jesus Christiano.
Vinod Kambli On Friendship With Sachin Tendulkar
He mentioned about his strong connection with Sachin Tendulkar and said: “If Sachin is right, I am left.”
Kambli recalled during the interview with Dainik Bhaskar that his career in first-class cricket, taking much pride in informing that he has done things which even Sachin had not done. He often remembered situations when he outperformed Tendulkar.
Kambli said, “Mai first ball khela aur first ball six tha, Sachin nahi kar sakta that. Wo defense karta tha.”
This included hitting a six off the very first ball that came at him, while, on the same delivery, his counterpart, Tendulkar, preferred playing a defensive stroke.
Vinod Kambli’s Career
Tests: 1084 runs in 17 matches, this includes 4 hundreds and 3 fifties.
ODIs: 2477 runs in 104 matches, this includes 2 hundreds and 14 fifties.