Mumbai Indians skipper Hardik Pandya said that it was hard to bring Ishan Kishan back in IPL 2025 Auction considering the skills of the wicket-keeper batter. Kishan had a six-year stint with MI which concluded during the auction when he went to Sunrisers Hyderabad for ₹11.25 crores. Initially, the MI team pursued Kishan but pulled out as Delhi Capitals and Punjab Kings were heavily interested.
WATCH- Mumbai Indians Release A Heartfelt Video For Kishan
Mumbai Indians released an emotional video with Hardik sending his heartfelt message to Kishan. He recalled the way energy and positive thinking of Kishan has always brought the dressing room around him. Hardik had some great words for Kishan as “pocket-dynamo” of MI as how much he would be missed.
💌 𝓉ℴ 𝐼𝓈𝒽𝒶𝓃 #MumbaiMeriJaan #MumbaiIndians | @ishankishan51
— Mumbai Indians (@mipaltan) December 1, 2024
“Ishan has been the ‘freshness’ and the ‘energy’ of the room. When we couldn’t retain him, we always knew that it’s gonna be very difficult to get him back from the auction simply because we knew that, the kind of player and kind of skillset he brings. He always used to be keep the dressing room light, has made a lot of people smile,” said Hardik.
“He Used To Bring So Much Love To This Team” Says Hardik
“That love and warmth, it came very natural to him and there will be less cake smashing, less pranks happening on people. That was Ishan and who used to bring so much love to this team, that is something as a group we are going to miss. Ishan Kishan, you always be MI’s pocket-dynamo. We all gonna miss you and we all love you,” said Hardik.
Kishan’s innings with MI started in the year 2018 where he exploded into the first season by scoring 275 runs at a strike rate of 150. However, in 2020, he was already in the match and emerged as the highest run-getter for MI by scoring 516 runs. Additionally, he also bagged the award for hitting most sixes in the tournament. He has been bought by Mumbai Indians at a massive ₹15.25 crore before the mega auction for IPL 2022, reflecting the franchise’s trust in him. He has been retained for the seasons of 2023 and 2024 as well.