Team India’s squad has raised eyebrows with its frequent changes in the spin department across the ongoing series. In the opening Test, Washington Sundar was included, leaving Ravichandran Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja on the sidelines. By the second Test, Sundar was benched, and Ashwin took his place. However, in a surprising move for the third Test, Ashwin was once again left out, and Ravindra Jadeja was brought in instead. This constant reshuffling has everyone puzzled, with former cricketer Harbhajan Singh questioning the decision-making process and the reason behind these changes. Speaking out on the issue while commentating, Harbhajan wondered what the Indian management was thinking, as consistency in the squad seemed lacking.
Harbhajan Singh Questions India’s Spin Selection Strategy
With India’s unpredictable selections in the spin department, the question remains: what’s driving these decisions, and how will they impact the team’s performance going forward?
“For me the big question is what kind of thinking is being reflected by India’s management”
“You made Washington Sundar play in the first Test keeping in mind his performance against New Zealand, but that was in India. There are overseas conditions and Ashwin or Jadeja would’ve been a better choice.” Harbhajan said during India vs Australia live match
‘I Hope In The Next Match Jadeja Gets To Play’
“Ravichandran Ashwin or Washington Sundar could’ve played here, they are in a good form. Jadeja’s record is good, but now I hope in the next match he gets to play.”
“You cannot go on changing spinners after every single match, a player requires confidence and backing from the team and dropping after one match will not really help.”
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Harbhajan Singh clearly mentioned that putting “confidence” in your players is very important and if players are not backed then team will not be able to generate good results.