Rishabh Pant, the wicketkeeper-batter, is available for Delhi’s upcoming Ranji Trophy match against Saurashtra in Rajkot, scheduled for January 23. In contrast, Virat Kohli has yet to inform the Delhi & District Cricket Association (DDCA) about his participation in the upcoming fixture. DDCA secretary Ashok Sharma told Hindustan Times that Pant will be traveling to Rajkot for the match. Pant’s most recent Ranji Trophy appearance was in the 2017-18 final against Vidarbha in December 2017.
“Yes, Rishabh Pant is available, and he will be travelling with the team to Rajkot,” he told Hindustan Times.
“He hasn’t communicated about his availability to us.” Ashok Sharma on whether Virat Kohli will be playing or not
Delhi is currently third in Elite Group D with 14 points. Kohli had a disappointing tour of Australia as he could only score 190 runs in 9 innings. He has not been able to handle deliveries outside the off-stump. Although Kohli did score a century in the Perth series opener, his form did not improve from there. Kohli last played for Ranji Trophy in 2012.
Pant was not included in India’s T20I squad for the five-match series against England.