In a heartbreaking incident on Mahendragarh Bypass Road, international shooter Manu Bhaker’s grandmother and uncle tragically lost their lives after their scooter collided with a Brezza car. The driver of the car fled the scene following the crash. Authorities have taken the bodies for post-mortem and are actively investigating the accident.
Charkhi Dadri, Haryana: In a tragic incident on Mahendragarh Bypass Road, international shooter Manu Bhaker’s grandmother and uncle lost their lives when their scooter collided with a Brezza car. The car driver fled the scene. Police have taken the bodies for post-mortem and are…
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According to reports, the victims have been identified as Yudhveer and his mother, Savitri Devi, who lived on the bypass road in Mahendragarh. On Saturday morning, they left on a scooter with Yudhveer planning to drop his mother at his younger brother’s house in Loharu Chowk before going to his duty. Unfortunately, while on their way, they met with a fatal accident.
It was on Mahendragarh road, close to the Kaliana turn, where the wrong-way coming car hit their scooter. Both were thrown on the road after a very hard collision. Severe head injuries, and the struggle to survive, ultimately succumbed to heavy bleeding at the accident site. The car driver sped away immediately after the collision.
(Source: IANS)