
Numerology Today, November 17, 2022: Do you know what your future holds?

Numerology Today, 17 November 2022: Numerology derives from the astrological branches. It is a very important topic because the world of numbers conceals your future. Ankur can tell you how your future will unfold. How will your life be? Who will you be friends with, and who will you be enemies with? You can learn […]

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Numerology Today, horoscope today, numerology horoscope today, daily numerology,

Numerology Today, 17 November 2022: Numerology derives from the astrological branches. It is a very important topic because the world of numbers conceals your future. Ankur can tell you how your future will unfold. How will your life be? Who will you be friends with, and who will you be enemies with? You can learn this and much more from 1 digit scripture. Today, we will learn how your day will unfold according to numerology.

The date is 17 November 2022. Today is Thursday, and Guru is the Lord of the Day. We will know today’s numbers by adding the digits of the current date.


By adding the digits, the date’s total number is 7.

According to numerology, Ketu is the number 7’s lord. It predicts prophecies, politics, institutions, suicide, peace, land, vehicles, and homes, which are considered factors. Let us know how the day will be for those with Mulank 1 to 9.

Let’s see what your future holds according to numerology today.

Mulank 1

If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month, your life path number is 1.
Career – You will gain respect in the workplace; if you work in the media, you may receive some good news; you will overcome all types of obstacles in life.
Money – There is a need to be cautious about money; do not spend unnecessary money, as this is the best time to add money.
Love Relationships – You will enjoy a happy family life today, but disputes can arise as a result of the inappropriate speech, so control your words and your anger.
Health – It is important to take care of one’s health, as eye and liver problems may arise.
Lucky Colour – Light Pink Treatment Make Panchamrit available to Lord Krishna.
Remedy – Offer Panchamrit to Lord Krishna.

Mulank 2

If you were born on the 2, 11, 20, or 29 of any month, your number is 2.
Career – Conflict can arise in the workplace and in business. Be careful of the people around you. There is a need to exert effort in large amounts; only then will you receive the reward.
Money – Due to the uncertain economic climate, you should avoid unnecessary spending to save money for the rainy season.
Love relationship – There can be a meeting with an old friend, but there is a need to control anger. You may lose friends as a result of your anger today.
Health – You may feel uncomfortable due to old diseases. If you have diabetes, avoid eating sweets.
Lucky Colour – Pearly White
Remedy – Offer pearl ornaments to Lord Krishna.

Mulank 3

If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of the month, your number becomes 3.
Career – Today, success can be achieved, there will be profit in business, and there is the possibility of new work. That is why you must continue to move forward while working hard.
Money – The economic situation will improve, and you will get money from friends. If you want to invest money, now is the best time.
Love relationship – You will enjoy a good relationship. and will spend time with family.You can go for a walk with your partner in the evening.
Health – Health will be good today, but mental stress can arise in the evening, so try to keep your mind calm.
Lucky Colour – Yellow
Remedy – Offer yellow clothes to Lord Krishna.

Mulank 4

If you are born on the 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any month, your number will be 4.
Career – There is a need to work hard in the workplace. Don’t start a new job in business today. If you want to invest money somewhere or take a loan, then now is not a very good time, so stop all these things.
Money – There is a possibility of sudden monetary gains. But money can also be spent. The majority of the money will be spent on health, so take care of yourself as well.
Love relationship – Family members will be with you, but due to remembering old things, today there can be sourness in the mind.
Health – Take care of your health; there can be a sudden disturbance in your health. Don’t put on unnecessary weight by eating fried foods.
Lucky Colour – Brown
Remedy – Offer a flute to Lord Krishna.

Mulank 5

If you are born on the 5th, 23rd, or 14th of any month, then your number becomes 5.
Career – There will be benefits in the work area. The interview is likely to go well. There will be profits in business. If you have been searching for a job for a long time, then there is a possibility of getting one.
Money – There will be benefits from the economic situation. Some good news can come regarding money. Stalled money will come back.
Love relationship – Today is beneficial for a love affair. You can improve bonding with friends and family members.
Health – Health will be good. You will feel stress-free.
Lucky colour – Light red
Remedy – Offer laddoos to Lord Krishna.

Mulank 6

If you are born on the 6th, 24th, or 15th of any month, then your number becomes 6.
Career – Your efforts will be fruitful. There will be advancements in business, and if you perform well, you will be promoted or receive a salary increase. If you are associated with women’s items like clothes, cosmetic jewellery, etc., today will be a lucky day for you, and profits can be high.
Money – There will be benefits to the economic situation; new avenues will open in the field of money. Money can be received.
Love relationship – If you are looking for love, the search will end today. Today, if you want to have a child in married life, you can prepare for that too.
Health – Your health will be good today, and you will be energetic, making you happy.
Lucky colour – Pink
Remedy – Offer perfume to Lord Krishna.

Mulank 7

If you are born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month, your Mulank becomes 7.
Career – You will feel stressed about your career. Avoid enemies in business. Today, you may also be criticised in the workplace, that’s why do not talk to anyone in anger.
Money – Do not trust anyone regarding money, otherwise, you may be cheated.
Love relationship – There is a possibility of a woman like Mata Yaad Mata in the family today, so keep yourself calm.
Health – Control your addictions, and desire to eat sweets as it may cause food poisoning.
Lucky colour – Purple
Remedy – Offer a pink coloured turban to Lord Krishna.

Mulank 8

If you are born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month, then your number becomes 8.
Career – You can get a sudden promotion on the job, and if you do business, there will be profit in it. Today there will be progress in the field of work, but there is a need to work hard, so do work hard.
Money – The situation will be serious regarding money, and lack of finances will cause tension.
Love relationship – Due to mood swings, there can be discord in the family today, so keep calm and talk to everyone with a smile.
Health – There is a need to take care of old diseases. Old diseases can emerge and cause problems.
Lucky colour – Light blue
Remedy – Offer peacock feathers to Lord Krishna.

Mulank 9

If you are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month, your number becomes 9.
Career – You will be successful at work. You can get a job today; this good news about a job can come. You will make money in business. Even in business today, some new work can come in.
Money – Take care of the economic situation and do not spend unnecessary money.
Love relationship – A new relationship will start, and there will be a happy atmosphere in the family.
Health – There is a possibility of a headache; mental tension may arise; do not get angry too much.
Lucky colour – Red
Remedy – Offer saffron pudding to Lord Krishna.



Written By

Sunil Sharma

Edited By

Manish Shukla

First published on: Nov 17, 2022 08:38 AM IST

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