New Delhi: Numerology emerges from the branches of astrology. It is a very important topic because in the world of numbers your future is hidden. From Ankur you can know how your coming time will be. How will your life be. With whom will you be friends, with whom will you be enmity? And much more you can know that through numerology.
Today we will know how will be your day according to numerology, what love relationships will be sweet in your life today. Will your health decline? Your financial condition will change. We will know all this according to numerology.
Today is 29 October, 2022 and the day is Saturday. If we go in the world of numbers, then we will find today’s number by adding the date.
The mulank of the date is made by adding the digits which is 9.
The lord of the number is considered to be Mars. The courage, anger, energy are considered to be the cause of blood accident.
How will be the day for Mulank 1 to 9. Let us find out.
Mulank 1
If you are born on the date 1,10,19,28 of any month then your Mulank becomes 1.
New opportunities will be provided in the field, opportunities for advancement in business will be available, you will get the support of the colleague.
You will get benefit in financial condition. There will be a possibility of money coming.
Love Relationship
Will spend time with lover. It is possible to spend their time with family members. There will be a happy atmosphere in married life.
Health will be good. Might get rid of old people.
Lucky color
Lucky color is light green.
Donate chana dal.
Mulank 2
If you are born on 2,11,20,29 of any month then your Mulank becomes 2.
You will get benefits in the field of work. Promotion is likely. It is impossible to get profit if you do it with a business partner or with your father.
Money will be beneficial in financial situation. There will be a possibility of getting more amount of money from somewhere.
Love Relationship
Time will be good with family members. There will be sweetness in love relationships, people who are not in love can fall in love today.
You will be free from mental stress. But the same mood swings are likely to happen again. Control your speech.
Lucky color
Lucky color is pistachio.
Offer kheer to the Shiva family.
Mulank 3
Whether you are born on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of the month, your radix becomes 3. Your zodiac lord is Jupiter.
You will get benefits in the career field, you will definitely get the fruits of your hard work today.
There will be benefit in financial condition. Money is likely to be received. The mind will be happy about money.
Love Relationship
Because the mind is happy, there will be sweetness in love. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the family.
Health will be good. But do not eat fried food.
Lucky color
Lucky color is white.
Worship Maa Gauri.
Mulank 4
Born on 4,13,22,31 of any of your months, your Mulank will be 4. Your zodiac lord is Rahu.
There is a need to work hard in the workplace. Today the results will be mixed. Be aware of the people around you.
There will be ups and downs in the financial situation. Have patience. Don’t take decisions by being emotional.
Love Relationship
There can be mental tension, that is why take decisions carefully in the relationship and do the conversation calmly, otherwise there is a possibility of a dispute.
Health will be mixed, due to which mental stress may arise for you, there will be worry about health.
Lucky color
Lucky color is henna.
Donate cardamom at a religious place.
Mulank 5
If you are born on 5th, 23rd or 14th of any month then your radix becomes five. The lord of the zodiac is Mercury.
Career days will be mixed. There will be apprehensions about work in the mind. Need to work hard.
There is a need to be careful in financial matters. Don’t go by trusting anyone with money.
Love Relationship
A family member will support you in handling your work. Today the partner’s support will also remain.
Health concerns may remain. The mind will remain in a dilemma. Stomach and urinary problems may arise during this time.
Lucky color
Lucky color is red.
Recite Shiv Chalisa.
Mulank 6
If you are born on 6th, 24th or 15th of any month then your radix becomes 6. Your zodiac lord is Venus.
The day will be mixed in the field of work, it is necessary to make new plans in business and field, otherwise your competitors may overtake you.
This is not the right time to invest money, so before investing, take advice from an experienced person. The situation regarding money can remain serious.
Love Relationship
Tension will remain in love relations and family life, keep restraint on speech, control anger, otherwise you may get caught in a dispute.
Go on taking care of your health. Be careful while driving or else there may be a possibility of an accident.
Lucky color
Lucky color is blue.
Donate milk.
Mulank 7
If you are born on 7th, 16th or 25th of any month. So your mulank becomes 7. Your zodiac lord is Ketu.
There will be profit in the work area, the environment in business will remain favorable. There is a possibility of getting cooperation of colleagues in work area. Can get new responsibilities.
Due to the profit in the field of work, it can also have an impact on the economic situation, due to which the economic situation seems to be getting stronger in the coming time.
Love Relationship
There is a possibility of meeting old friends. The day will be good in love related matters. Family support will remain.
Health needs attention. Diseases related to stomach can trouble you, control your food and drink.
Lucky color
Lucky color is light grey.
Donate rice.
Mulank 8
If you are born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any of your months, then your mulank becomes 8. Saturn is the lord of your mulank.
The day will be mixed in the workplace. You can take important decisions in business or field, so it is necessary to take advice of an elder. Take the advice of an educated person before taking a decision and be patient.
There is a need to be cautious about money. Don’t trust anyone with money.
Love Relationship
Today due to mood swings, there can be discord in the family, so stay calm and talk to everyone with a laugh.
Take care of your health. Today you will feel tense. You will have to face challenges regarding the workplace, so you can feel a heavy burden on your head.
Lucky color
Lucky color is blue.
Light a lamp of desi ghee under the Peepal tree.
Mulank 9
You are born on 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, your mulank becomes 9. Mars is the lord of your mulank.
There will be ups and downs in the career field. Today you can make new plans in business.
You will get the benefit of money, in the coming time, the economic situation will be better than before.
Love Relationship
Do not take sudden decisions in love affairs, otherwise you may get into dispute. Support of friends is necessary.
There is a need to take care of health, diseases related to throat may arise.
Lucky color
Lucky color is orange.
Offer halwa to Vishnu.