The Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, has officially kicked off, drawing thousands of devotees from across the nation. As the event continues to capture the attention of people online, one particular video has gone viral – that of a Sadhvi who has quickly become the talk of the internet. Known as the “Viral Sadhvi,” her presence has sparked widespread interest. In this video, the Sadhvi addresses a curious request from her followers, revealing how they can attract their desired love.
Ye Lo Ji Deedi Ne Sadhvi Bante Hi Boys Ko trick Batadi hai Ki Kisi bhi girl Ko Kaise Patana hai.🤪😁 Now nobody will file FIR against her.
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What Is The Secret Mantra?
In the video, Sadhvi goes on to say, “Today, I will reveal a powerful mantra that will help you gain control over your desired love, whether it’s your girlfriend or boyfriend. They will never leave you and will listen to everything you say.” She reveals that the mantra is “Om Geeli Geeli Chhoo, Om Bhat Swaha” and suggests chanting it 1,008 times every day.
Harsha Richariya
Interestingly, the renowned Sadhvi is actually social media influencer Harsha Richariya, who has been living as a Sadhvi for the past two years. She is currently making waves on social media and is the center of attention in the news. Harsha’s spiritual guide is Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Shri Kailashanand Giri Maharaj, and she is also affiliated with the Niranjani Akhada. Before embracing the life of a Sadhvi, Harsha worked as a model and celebrity anchor.