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Chanakya Niti: Beware of THESE types of people for peaceful life

Chanakya Niti: Acharya Chanakya was the first great economist and philosopher of India. Chanakya’s diplomacy was behind the success of the Maurya dynasty. The great strategist and economist Chanakya destroyed the Nanda dynasty on the strength of his policies and made a simple child Chandragupta Maurya the emperor of Magadha because of his policies. (Chanakya […]

Importance of Chanakya niti in day today life
Chanakya Niti: Acharya Chanakya was the first great economist and philosopher of India. Chanakya's diplomacy was behind the success of the Maurya dynasty. The great strategist and economist Chanakya destroyed the Nanda dynasty on the strength of his policies and made a simple child Chandragupta Maurya the emperor of Magadha because of his policies. (Chanakya Niti) Chanakya had deep knowledge and insight into not only politics but also every subject of society. Apart from economics, politics, diplomacy, Acharya Chanakya has also told many things about practical life. His words and policies help a lot even today in the difficult times of man. Many such things have been told by Acharya Chanakya, which if a person follows properly, he never has to be disappointed. According to Chanakya policy, if humans have the ability to judge others, then they can never be defeated in their life.

Chanakya Niti says

According to Chanakya Niti, there are some people around us who are more dangerous than not only snakes and scorpions but also enemies. So we should have the ability to identify such people and keep distance from them. Also, help should never be taken from such people in life. Acharya Chanakya has also written a verse in this connection. नैव पश्यति जन्मान्धः कामान्धो नैव पश्यति । मदोन्मत्ता न पश्यन्ति अर्थी दोषं न पश्यति ।। According to the meaning of the above verse- Just as a person blind by birth cannot see anything, in the same way a person who is full of lust, anger and intoxication cannot see anything other than this. At the same time, even a selfish person does not see any fault in anyone. All are equal to him. That's why one should never befriend or keep friendship with a person who is engaged in selfishness.

Stay away from mean people

Acharya Chanakya says that we should not trust selfish and mean person even by mistake. Because such people can never do you any good, on the contrary they can put you in trouble. According to Acharya Chanakya, the enemy attacks from the front and we are also careful about his attack. But selfish and mean people attack behind the back. Well, such people should never be trusted. A selfish person does not think of anything in life except his own benefit. And traps others for his selfishness.

Full of anger People 

According to Acharya Chanakya, one should always stay away from the person with angry nature. Anger is the biggest enemy of man. In anger, a person's power to think and understand becomes inferior. By getting angry, a person harms himself as well as others. In anger, a person's understanding of right and wrong decreases and he thinks only about his happiness. Such people prove to be more dangerous than the enemies.

Stay away from Cunning, greedy people

It is said in Acharya Chanakya's Niti Shastra that for his own good, a man should always stay away from a greedy and jealous person. One should never seek help from such people even in difficult times. Because such people do less harm than help you in the affair of greed and jealousy. Actually, people of jealous nature do not have the understanding of right and wrong. They are never at all happy with the well-being and progress of others. People of wicked and greedy nature get jealous seeing the progress of others and try to harm them. Disclaimer: The information given here is based on astrology and is being given for information only. News24 does not confirm this. Before taking any remedy, be sure to consult the expert of the concerned subject.

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