Ramesh Gholap’s story is extraordinary and will serve as a powerful motivation for aspiring students aiming for the civil services. Despite coming from a financially struggling family in Maharashtra, he faced such dire circumstances that he didn’t even have the money to attend his father’s last rites. But he never gave up on his dreams. In 2012, Ramesh defied all odds and became an IAS officer by cracking the UPSC exam. His inspiring journey is just one of many stories circulating on social media, where thousands of individuals have overcome adversity to achieve their dreams of becoming IAS or IPS officers.
Who Is Ramesh Gholap?
Ramesh Gholap, who comes from Mahagaon in Solapur district of Maharashtra, was born in a lower-middle class family. His father was a cycle repair owner. Vimla Gholap, Ramesh’s mother earned a livelihood by selling bangles in neighboring villages, supporting the family and making ends meet. Ramesh with his brother used to go with their mother and help her in selling bangles. However, the financial condition of Ramesh Gholap’s family worsened when his father’s health deteriorated due to his addiction to alcohol, due to which he had to close his shop. His drinking habits caused his health to start failing, and he eventually passed away while Ramesh was still in school. His Father’s death came as a shock to him. Ramesh has a polio-affected left limb in addition to financial difficulties. Despite his challenging physical and financial circumstances, his determination remained unshaken. He moved in with his uncle in Barshi, Maharashtra, to continue his education.
Fight To Attain Dream
Despite facing challenging circumstances that could have led him to lose hope, Ramesh remained determined and persevered. He completed his education while also supporting his family through their financial struggles.
From an open university, he earned a diploma in education and Bachelor’s degree in arts. In 2009, Ramesh started working as a teacher, and it was during this time that he met a tehsildar. This encounter ignited a spark within him, inspiring him to pursue the UPSC exam and ultimately become an IAS officer.
Attaining His Dream
In 2012, Ramesh’s relentless hard work and perseverance finally paid off when he cracked the UPSC exams with an impressive All India Rank of 287 in the handicapped category, marking a turning point in his life. IAS Gholap who is currently employed as the Joint Secretary in the Energy Department in Jharkhand. Looking back at his own struggles, Ramesh made it his mission to ensure that no child has to endure what he went through. Every day, he works tirelessly to ensure that children have access to education and the chance to pursue their dreams, so they can achieve greatness without the hardships he faced.
Attempted UPSC Without Coaching
Cracked UPSC exam without coaching Ramesh took a six-month leave from work to focus on his UPSC preparation. In 2010, he made his first try at the UPSC, however, he was unsuccessful. Ramesh thereafter began studying on his own for the UPSC. He ultimately qualified the Civil Services Examination in 2012 after much effort, devotion, and hard work. Ramesh Gholap attained the rank of 287 to become an IAS officer under the handicapped quota.
IAS Officer Who Rescued Over 35 Kids From Forced Labour
According to a report by The Better India, IAS officer Ramesh Gholap has rescued at least 35 children working in garages and hotels, sent them to school, and ensured they receive a monthly income through government schemes.