The Maha Kumbh celebrations continue to draw millions of devotees from across India and around the world to Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Amid the grand celebration and holy dips at the Triveni Sangam, several sadhus have caught the attention of netizens for their exceptional stories and unique appearance such as ‘Kaante Wale Baba’, ‘Rudraksh Baba’, and ‘IIT Baba’. However, one sadhu has stand out for his impressive physique, earning him the title of ‘Muscular Baba.’
Who Is ‘Muscular Baba’?
Atma Prem Giri Maharaj, the ‘Muscular Baba’ has garnered the attention of the social media users not only for his spiritual practices but also for his towering height and extraordinary physique. The 7-foot tall saint wrapped in saffron clothes, rudraksha mala around his neck & arms and a big tilak on forehead is reportedly based in Nepal now.
Atma Prem Giri Maharaj’s Journey
Born in Russia, Atma Prem Giri is a member of Juna Akhara. He embraced ‘Sanatam Dharma’ 30 years ago and devoted his life preaching Hinduism. He left his teaching profession early to pursue spiritual practices, according to reports.
The name of the person in the photo is Elesky Garcin, now Atma Prem Giri. The height of this Russian citizen is 7 feet.
---Advertisement---After accepting Sanatan Dharma, this saint spent 30 years in penance in a cave in Nepal. His body reflected the radiance of Parashuram.
— shawon kumar (@shawonkumar664) January 15, 2025
‘Modern Reincarnation Of Lord Parshuram’
After his images went viral on social media, many users began drawing parallels between him and a modern-day incarnation of Lord Parshuram.
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