New Delhi: The marketing for Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s upcoming movie, Shaakuntalam, is keeping her very busy. The actress recently travelled to Mumbai for back-to-back interviews. The actress posted some amazing black-and-white images of herself wearing a stunning gown with cut-out features to her Instagram feed on March 21.
Pallavi, her stylist, described her as a “glorious Roman snack.” The actress saw her stylist’s caption and couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
On April 14, 2023, Samantha’s Shaakuntalam will be released in theatres. The movie will have a major global release in several languages. The actress is currently getting better after having myositis.
Samantha posted images from Shaakuntalam’s promotional events on Instagram on March 21. She wrote, “Let’s talk all things #Shaakuntalam (sic),” with a white heart emoji.
Samantha looks sassy in latest monochrome pictures
Samantha was described by her stylist Pallavi Singh as “A glorious roman snack!” in some previously unreleased photos. Samantha posted a laughing-out-loud emoji in the comment box.
About Shaakuntalam
Gunasekhar wrote and directed the historical period drama Shaakuntalam. Shakuntala is played by Samantha in the movie. The drama by Kalidasa serves as the inspiration for the movie. The Puru dynasty’s King Dushyanta will be played by Dev Mohan. Supporting actors include Mohan Bau, Jisshu Sengupta, Madhoo, Gautami, Aditi Balan, and Ananya Nagalla.
The movie is distributed by Sri Venkateswara Creations and was produced by Neelima Guna under the Gunaa Teamworks banner.
Also Read: Shakuntalam promotions: Samantha visits Hyderabad’s Peddamma Temple ahead of event
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