New Delhi: Priyanka Chopra on Saturday gave fans an inside tour of her restaurant Sona in New York City. Taking to her Instagram handle, the actress shared a behind-the-scenes video from the kitchen. In the video, Priyanka introduced the chefs and tried helping them with some good cooking. However, she ended up munching on the delicacies offered at her Sona.
The video also shows Priyanka talking and relishing some Indian cuisines. The video starts with Priyanka Chopra holding a kebab skewer. The she went onto introducing the head chefs- Harish and Hari. She could be heard saying, “Make me competent in the kitchen. I am not saying I can make any of these but what is happening here?”
Have a look at Priyanka Chopra’s post
The actress could be seen tasting specialties like burrata butter chicken pizza, she also tried making avocado bhel and shared her soft corner for chat masala. She further praised her restaurant team and added, “You guys are bomb. I love eating here.”
Sharing the video, she captioned, “Behind the scenes from @sonanewyork’s kitchen… clearly I love a lot of things 😉 Thank you @harinayak and @harry.nair for all the insanely yummy food. You know I’ll be back soon!”
Earlier, Priyanka Chopra was in New York City and has been providing many glimpses from her tour. When it comes to her social media presence, PeeCee is a true social media queen. She keeps on sharing her day-to-day life updates with her fans.
On the acting front, Priyanka was last seen in the Hollywood movie The Matrix Resurrections.
Next, Priyanka will be seen in Ending Things, It’s All Coming Back To Me, and the web series titled Citadel, helmed by the Russo brothers. Apart from this, she also has Farhan Akhtar’s Bollywood film Jee Le Zaraa with Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt. This also marks her return to the silver screens after the 2019 film, The Sky Is Pink.