New Delhi: The ‘GQ Best Dressed 2022’ event saw an influx of beauties from the entertainment world. All the beauties were seen carrying their stylish outfits and participating in the event. Meanwhile, the looks of Chitrangada Singh, Esha Gupta and Nora Fatehi are in tremendous headlines. The actresses made a lot of headlines for their attire at the event. At the same time, now the eyes of the fans are not going away from his viral videos.
Chitrangada Singh wore a golden sequin, Thai-high slit gown at the event. Also, she was seen giving more than one pose on the red carpet. During this, the actress completed her look with open soft curly hair with golden earrings and dark makeup. The eyes of the fans are fixed on the actress’s style, dressing sense, and poses. As a result of this, the video is getting a lot of likes.
Look at Chitrangada’s look
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Nora Fatehi also made a lot of headlines at this event. Nora Fatehi is seen wearing a yellow-colored one-shoulder with a cutout dress, which also features a Thai-high slit design. Talking about overall looks, and keeping her look simple, the actress has kept an open hairstyle and nude makeup. Along with this, black high heels are paired with the belly. On the work front, Nora Fatehi’s song ‘Manike’ was released some time back. Nora will soon be seen in the film ‘Thank God’.
Here’s Nora Fatehi’s look
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Talking about Esha Gupta, she attended the event wearing a blue colored body-hugging jumpsuit. The actress completed her look with nude makeup and a hair braid. Also seen wearing black boots and diamond rings-earings. The actress flaunted her curvy figure in this jumpsuit. Esha Gupta’s video has been in the news ever since it surfaced. Fans have created many love and fire emojis in the comment section.
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