New Delhi: Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra married on February 7, 2023, in Jaisalmer’s Suryagarh Palace. The photos from their wedding ceremony were simply stunning! Following that, the pair uploaded a wedding video on Instagram, giving us further peeks of the ceremony. Fans have been waiting for images from Kiara and Sidharth’s pre-wedding festivities for a long time, and they are now here!
Sidharth and Kiara posted pictures from their mehendi ceremony yesterday, and wrote, “Pyaar ka rang chada hai.” The charming couple looked stunning in Manish Malhotra’s matching yellow and ivory ethnic costumes.
Manish Malhotra shares UNSEEN pics from Sid-Kiara’s Mehendi
Manish Malhotra shared a photo of himself posing with Kiara and Sidharth during the mehendi ceremony on his Instagram story. Kiara is pictured in the centre, with Sidharth and Manish Malhotra on either side of the bride. Kiara and Sidharth oozed happiness and were seen smiling brightly for the wonderful photograph. It gives us a closer look at the groom and bride’s mehendi costumes and jewellery.
“The Fun Mehendi,” wrote Manish Malhotra while sharing the picture.
Sid-Kiara’s outfit
Kiara Advani looked royal in a Manish Malhotra ivory chikankari lehenga. She wore a gold bordered sheer yellow lehenga with a pearl-beaded top and a golden netted sheer yellow dupatta with hand embroidery, swarovski crystals, and pearls. Kiara was spotted wearing a statement polki choker-style necklace, as well as another heavy haar and matching earrings. Meanwhile, Sidharth looked dapper in a mustard kurta pyjama, which he coupled with a multi-colored Kashmiri shawl to bring contrast to the ensemble.
Also Read: Sidharth-Kiara’s assorted ‘Shaadi Ka Ladoo’ boxes are drool-worthy, PIC
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