New Delhi: After giving birth to twins earlier this month, Hilary Swank posted old photos from her pregnancy session. She exhibits her growing baby in a naked maternity photo. During the picture session, she disclosed that she was 27 and a half weeks pregnant.
Sharing the photo, she captioned it, “Thank you @brianbowensmith for capturing one of my favorite moments in time, being pregnant (next to having my babies earth-side and meeting and marrying my husband 💝) I was 27 1/2 weeks here.🤰🏽🥰.” Hilary also expressed her gratitude towards the photographer for his “extraordinary talent and steadfast friendship.”
Hilary Swank posts throwback picture from her nude pregnancy shoot
Hilary could be seen beaming down while holding her stomach with one hand and her chest in the other. The twin children of Swank made their internet debut last week. Swank and Philip Schneider have not yet posted photos of their children on social media.
2018 saw the marriage of Hilary and Philip. The “Million Dollar Baby” actress said she was excited to have a family since she believed she was in the “right relationship” to do it.
Swank previously wed the filmmaker Chad Lowe in 1997, and they divorced in 2007.