Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Mukesh and Nita Ambani, is known to have a penchant for collecting the most exquisite timepieces in the world. Known as a horologist with an enviable collection, his wardrobe boasts watches from prestigious brands such as Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, and Richard Mille. Anant recently took his wife, Radhika Merchant, on an outing, and he was noticed sportingly wearing one of the rarest timepieces in the world—the Richard Mille RM 52-04 ‘Skull’ Blue Sapphire.
Exclusivity Of RM 52-04 ‘Skull’ Blue Sapphire
This masterpiece epitomizes ultra-luxury and craftsmanship. There are only three of the Richard Mille RM 52-04 “Skull” Blue Sapphire pieces made in the world. The watch features a single piece of sapphire at its core, with the heart of this watch being its pirate skull and crossbones.
The tonneau-shaped case is sapphire; it has sapphire on its back, through which the watch movement is observed, including its back, doubling as a central bridge. It has four bridges, which hold the movement inside in place by simulating bones from a pirate flag.
According to the luxury watch store Vintage Grail, this timepiece is reserved for only the most valued Richard Mille clients. A post by The Indian Horology even remarks, “You’d be lucky to see one in your lifetime.”
The Grand Revelation: A ₹22 Crore Marvel
The Richard Mille RM 52-04 “Skull” Blue Sapphire itself is already a rare timepiece with highly exceptional craftsmanship, but the price places it in a league of its own. Worth about ₹22 crore (approximately USD 2,625,000), this is not just a timekeeper; it symbolizes Anant Ambani’s subtle taste and his connoisseurship in watchmaking.