New Delhi: Bollywood stars Deepika Padukone, Kriti Sanon, Kartik Aaryan and others graced the stage of a prestigious award show that was held in Mumbai. The award show took place on November 16. Big screen to small screen stars worked their magic in the event and looked bold and sultry with outstanding fashionable look.
Kriti Sanon
Actress Kriti Sanon participated in the Beauty Awards. You can see that she appeared in a purple cut out attire. The actress looked amazing in this look and fans could not keep their eyes off. Kriti Sanon posed fiercely in front of the camera and set hearts ablaze with her moves.
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Deepika Padukone
Bollywood’s top actress Deepika Padukone also appeared. You can see that she arrived in a white gown in which she appeared as an Apsara. In this look, everyone was left staring at him. This video of the actress is going viral on social media, seeing which fans are not tired of praising her style and her look.
Kartik Aaryan
Kartik Aaryan, who created a buzz in the cinema overnight, also appeared in the award show. You can see that he is looking amazing in the suit-boot. As soon as the actor saw Deepika Padukone, he greeted her and then posed fiercely in front of the camera with her. During this, Karthik Aryan won the hearts of the fans with his style.
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Janhvi Kapoor
Janhvi Kapoor is ruling millions of people these days. The actress also flaunted her beauty at the award show. You can see that the actress is seen in a blue gown and she has kept her hair open in which she is looking very beautiful.
Elli AvrRam
Elli AvrRam also worked her magic at the Beauty Awards. You can see that she is seen in white and white look and her hair style is also matching. During this, she posed fiercely to the paparazzi and touched the hearts of the fans with her beauty and smile.
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