New Delhi: At the Dior 2023 pre-fall fashion show in Mumbai, Myra Rampal, the daughter of actor Arjun Rampal and his ex-wife, former supermodel Mehr Jesia, made her runway debut. On Thursday, Arjun praised Myra and shared a picture of her walking the runway on Instagram. Myra wore a pink attire during the fashion show.
Myra Rampal makes her runway debut at Dior Show
Sharing the picture, Arjun captioned the post, “Today my gorgeous little princess, walked her first runway. That too for Christian Dior. The best thing about it was that she did it all on her own merit. From auditions to fittings. To be chosen from all the tuff competition. She has made us all super proud. Wishing her more success, love, and happiness. Congratulations @myra_rampal you are a star (dizzy symbol emoji).”
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Reacting to the post, Preity Zinta wrote, “Wow! Congrats @myra_rampal you have grown up so fast and so beautiful. God bless.” Abhishek Kapoor commented, “Fantastic… well done @myra_rampal .. onwards and upwards baby girl.” Rahul Dev said, “Weldon!!”
Meanwhile, Arjun Rampal’s girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades also cheered for Myra Rampal, and sharing a picture of her from the Dior show, Gabriella wrote, “@myra_rampal of course your runway debut would be @dior.” Meanwhile, Myra’s elder sister Mahika Rampal wrote, “my Dior baby.”