Ajith Kumar, a popular Tamil film actor and passionate motorsports enthusiast, has been making headlines because of his impressive return to the race track at a car racing event in Dubai. His team, Ajith Kumar Racing by Bas Koeten, secured third place in their category, showcasing exceptional talent and skill. He was also honoured with the Spirit of the Race award in another category, recognizing his outstanding performance.
Ajith Kumar is one of the few Indians to compete in international motor racing events. He has participated in competitions worldwide, including the Formula Asia BMW Championships in 2003 and the Formula 2 Championship in 2010. As of the latest estimates, his net worth is approximately ₹350 crore, according to news sources. Over the years, Ajith has invested a significant portion of his wealth into a collection of high-end luxury cars featuring top models, making his garage truly impressive.
Let’s take a look at some of his luxurious cars.
1. Lamborghini
According to a Times of India report, Ajith Kumar reportedly owns an expensive Lamborghini, but the specific model is unknown.
2. Mercedes-Benz 350 GLS
The actor is known to have a luxury Mercedes-Benz that he purchased for Rs 1.35 crore. This impressive car features a powerful engine that offers a smooth and firm performance, making it a great choice for driving enthusiasts. Its high power and excellent torque provide an enjoyable and responsive driving experience.
3. BMW 740Li
Ajith Kumar has a stunning BMW 740Li in his garage, considered a luxury vehicle. According to Indian Express, this impressive car is valued at around Rs 1.5 crore. It boasts a powerful 3.0-litre petrol engine that generates a potent 322 horsepower, allowing for a smooth and exhilarating driving experience. Additionally, it delivers excellent torque, which helps in quick acceleration. Overall, the BMW 740Li combines style, comfort, and performance in one elegant package.
4. Ferrari SF90
Ajith Kumar made headlines in July 2024 by purchasing a stunning red Ferrari that cost him around Rs 9 crore. This sleek and powerful car, the Ferrari SF90 Stradale, has an impressive engine that delivers exceptional performance. Its sporty design and cutting-edge technology make it a true supercar that offers an exhilarating driving experience.
5. Porsche GT3 RS
In September 2024, the actor made headlines by purchasing a stunning Porsche GT3 RS, which cost around Rs 3.51 crore, as reported by NDTV. This impressive sports car can reach a thrilling top speed of 296 km/h and can go from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.2 seconds, making it incredibly fast. It is equipped with a powerful engine that produces 518 horsepower, giving it the boost needed for an exhilarating driving experience. The Porsche GT3 RS is a true blend of luxury and performance, captivating car enthusiasts everywhere.