Today’s Weather Tidings for Baroda, Gujarat
According to the the India Meteorological Department (IMD), you can expect a maximum temperature of 29.0°C and a low of 11.0°C. The Air Quality Index (AQI) stands at 157 today. And guess what? It’s a clear sky kind of day in Baroda!
Look further to know more about what today’s weather has to offer, the current conditions, and what’s coming up in the next week:
- 🌅 Sunrise: 07:19 AM
- 🌄 Sunset: 06:11 PM
- 🌙 Moonrise: 02:40 PM
- 🌑 Moonset: 03:40 AM
Latest Weather Highlights for Baroda, Gujarat
- Yesterday’s High: 30.2°C, which is 0.9°C higher than usual
- Today’s Low: 11.0°C
- Rain in the Last 24 Hours: None recorded!
Air Quality Update for Baroda, Gujarat
Today’s Air Quality Index (AQI) is 157, categorized as “Unhealthy“. PM2.5 is the main culprit here.
Health effects are likely for everyone, with greater impacts on sensitive individuals.
Upcoming Week’s Weather and Air Quality Forecast for Baroda – Gujarat
Date | Max Temp (°C) | Min Temp (°C) | Weather | AQI (PM2.5) | AQI Category |
2025-01-10 | 29.0 | 11.0 | Clear sky | 157 | Unhealthy |
2025-01-11 | 28.0 | 10.0 | Clear sky | 151 | Unhealthy |
2025-01-12 | 28.0 | 10.0 | Clear sky | 121 | Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups |
2025-01-13 | 29.0 | 11.0 | Clear sky | 137 | Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups |
2025-01-14 | 30.0 | 11.0 | Mainly Clear sky | 142 | Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups |
2025-01-15 | 29.0 | 11.0 | Mainly Clear sky | 164 | Unhealthy |
Other Cities
City | Min | Max | Forecast |
New Delhi | 6.0 | 20.0 | Very Dense Fog |
Kolkata | 11.0 | 24.0 | Mainly Clear sky |
Chennai | 22.0 | 29.0 | Fog/mist in the morning and partly cloudy sky later |
Bengaluru | 16.0 | 26.0 | Mist |
Baroda – Gujarat Weather: FAQs
These particles come from sources like car exhaust, industrial emissions, fires, and dust. PM 2.5 is harmful because it can cause health problems, especially in the lungs and heart, leading to issues like asthma, lung disease, and heart attacks.
If you need to go outside, wear an N95 mask to block tiny particles.
- IMD: Indian Meteorological Department
- AQI: Air Quality Index
- PM2.5: Particulate Matter (2.5 micrometers)
Stay informed and plan your week accordingly!