An unconventional marriage in Uttar Pradesh’s Deoria has sparked controversy after two women, alleging abuse by their husbands, tied the knot with each other in a temple. Kavita and Gunja, the two women in question, exchanged vows in a simple self-conducted ceremony on Thursday at the Dudheshwar Nath temple in Rudrapur. The duo claims they fell in love during their struggles with their abusive and alcoholic spouses.
Both women from Gorakhpur, who had been living separately due to their troubled marriages, met through Instagram and formed a bond that led to their decision to marry. A video of their wedding has since gone viral, drawing attention and raising debates about societal norms.
What Temple Priest Says
According to temple priest Uma Shankar Pandey, the women arrived at the temple, purchased garlands and sindoor (vermillion), and performed the marriage rituals on their own. Gunja assumed the role of the groom by placing sindoor on Kavita’s forehead. The pair exchanged garlands and completed the traditional seven vows (pheras) before quietly leaving the temple.
One woman said her husband, an alcoholic, assaulted her daily. She also said that she has four children and decided to return to her parents’ home after enduring repeated violence. The other woman claimed her husband also drank excessively and falsely accused her of infidelity, leading her to leave him.
The women said they were determined to stay together and would not let anyone separate them. Although they currently do not have a permanent home, they plan to rent a place to live and do labour work for living.