Northern Railways has announced the suspension of the New Delhi-Katra Vande Bharat Express service for 50 days, from January 16 to March 6, 2025. This semi-high-speed train connects the national capital with Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra, a significant religious destination. The suspension is necessary due to essential remodelling work at the Jammu Tawi yard, which will affect train operations during this period.
The redevelopment project at Jammu Tawi station includes crucial upgrades like a new signalling system and platform expansions. This work is expected to disrupt not only the Vande Bharat Express but also 65 other trains departing from Jammu Railway Station. Passengers planning to travel to Katra for leisure or religious purposes will be particularly impacted by this service closure.
In addition to the Vande Bharat Express, several other train services will also be affected. For instance, the Jammu Tawi-Barmer trains (numbers 14662 and 14661) will be cancelled, and train number 19223 (from Gandhinagar Capital to Jammu Tawi) will now terminate at Pathankot instead of Jammu. Passengers are advised to check updated train schedules in advance to avoid any inconvenience.
The New Delhi-Katra Vande Bharat Express was inaugurated on October 3, 2019, and has become a popular choice for travelers due to its speed and comfort. It covers a distance of 655 km in just 8 hours and 5 minutes, making it a preferred option for many devotees heading to the Vaishno Devi shrine.
During this suspension period, travelers are encouraged to explore alternative travel options as they plan their journeys. With the ongoing infrastructure improvements, passengers should stay informed about other affected train services in the region to ensure smooth travel plans.
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