In a shocking incident in Maharashtra’s Buldhana district, several residents of three villages in Shegaon tehsil have experienced rapid and severe hair loss, with many turning bald within a week.
The affected villages—Borgaon, Kalwad, and Hingna—are grappling with the mystery of why both men and women are losing tufts of hair. Some individuals reported that a gentle tug was enough to uproot their hair, while others noticed bald spots appearing within days.
As the panic spreads, health authorities suspect that water pollution, possibly linked to the presence of fertilizers, may be responsible for the mass hair loss. A health team from the district has already visited the villages to assess the situation and collect water, skin, and hair samples for testing.
According to the team, around 50 people have been identified as affected, with concerns that the number could increase as more cases emerge. Doctors have raised alarms about the potential link between polluted water and health issues that could be causing the rapid hair fall.
As the result of the test is awaited, residents have been advised to take extra precautions to safeguard their health. Local health officials are working to investigate the issue before it could spread more.