The weather department has forecast changes in many states, including Delhi, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, and Odisha, as the southwest monsoon now begins to mark its withdrawal path. Delhi has been witnessing extreme heat for the past two days, but light rain may bring some relief to the city. Meanwhile, other parts of India, like Mumbai, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, and Odisha, will receive very heavy showers because a low-pressure system is forming over the Bay of Bengal, driving these weather changes.
Temperatures Continue High In Delhi
Delhi has witnessed excessively high temperatures for the past two days with no respite from rains breaking its heat. Delhi will see the maximum temperature between 36°C and 26°C today. With scattered showers-the weather office has forecasted, that would be much needed for parts of the city. The regional weather forecast says that surface winds will blow in from the east and southeast at speeds ranging from 8 to 12 km/h.
Himachal Pradesh: Rain And Thunderstorms
Rain is likely to lash the state, particularly the Shimla, Solan, and Sirmaur districts, which have remained largely dry in the past three days.
The Shimla, Dharamsala, and Kangra offices of the local meteorological office have sounded a weather alert for heavy rain in Shimla, Solan, and Sirmaur. On top of it, a ‘yellow’ alert has been issued for six of the twelve districts of the state, warning them for thunderstorms and lightning on Wednesday and Thursday. Even as the weatherman has predicted rain in the coming days, Himachal has so far been struggling to make up for the deficit of 21 percent rainfall. In the monsoon season, the state’s rain recording is only 573.70 mm, which compares with the normal rainfall value at 723.10 mm.
Mumbai: Heavy Rain with Orange Alert
Mumbai has received rainfall continuously since Monday. Between Monday and Tuesday evening, 75 mm was recorded in the suburbs while 16 mm was recorded in the city.
Orange alert has been issued for the city of Mumbai, Thane, and Palghar whereas red alert has been sounded for Raigad due to heavy rain. This rain system is being driven by the low-pressure system over the Bay of Bengal, which is going to affect the region over the next couple of days.
Heavy Rain Under Low Pressure
Low clouding over Bay of Bengal to induce heavy rain West Bengal is likely to receive moderate to heavy rain in the next few days, while authorities issued landslide warnings for Darjeeling and Kalimpong. In Odisha, 20 districts were put under the warning list for heavy rain today, and thunderstorms are expected on Wednesday.
Delhi Air Quality
Delhi Air Quality Index on September 25, 2024: “Poor,” reading 172 PM2.5 concentration in Delhi is six times higher than that recommended by the World Health Organization.
Mumbai AQI
The air quality remains in the “Good” category with an AQI of 48 even in Mumbai. Even the PM2.5 levels of the city marginally exceed WHO’s 24-hour air quality guidelines and are, therefore, safe for its citizens.
Uttar Pradesh AQI: Poor Air Quality
As of Sep 25, 2024, Uttar Pradesh AQI is “Poor” with a score of 121. The concentration of PM2.5 in the state is more than 3.5 times the WHO prescribed 24-h air quality limit value of 15. Several other pollutants contribute to the overall value keeping PM10, SO2, and COs along with other pollutants within unhealthy limits.