Kanpur: In Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, a woman died and her daughter was critically injured when a speeding car, driven by a 17-year-old boy, crashed into their scooter. According to the police, the teenager was doing stunts on a busy road when the accident occurred. The incident was captured on a security camera and has been widely circulated on social media.
UP : कानपुर में प्राइवेट स्कूल के 4 नाबालिक छात्र स्कूल बंक करके कार से घूमने निकले। 100 से ज्यादा स्पीड पर कार दौड़ा रहे थे। स्कूटी सवार मां बेटी को टक्कर मार दी। मां की मौत हो गई, बेटी घायल है। कार में 2 लड़के, 2 लड़कियां (चारों नाबालिग) थे। pic.twitter.com/iQNZtcO6vT
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) August 3, 2024
The video of the incident captures shows the woman and child on the scooter when the speeding car crashes into them after the driver lost control. The impact was so intense that both the woman and her daughter were thrown into the air in separate directions. Passersby quickly took them to the hospital, according to the police.
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Officials reported that the woman died while receiving treatment, and her daughter has sustained multiple fractures and the treatment is currentlygoing on at the hospital. The teenage driver has been taken into custody, and an investigation is underway.
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