Bengaluru: A video was doing rounds on the micro-blogging site, X (formerly Twitter) depicting that a commuter was vandalized at south Bengaluru’s Ejipura signal by two auto rickshaw drivers in a case of road rage. The video was gaining wide impressions on social media.
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Bangalore: My car was vandalised by autorickshaw drivers…
More details of this incident⬇️— Team-BHP (@TeamBHPforum) March 22, 2024
Informing about the detail’s automobile updates website Team-BHP, the man, who did not wish to be named stated that the incident took place at Bengaluru’s Ejipura signal while he was driving for a work event in the afternoon.
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“The car was only at a speed of 70 to 80 kilometers per hour. I have done nothing apart from being bit in a hurry and overtaking a few cars on the road”, he said.
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At the intersection, two auto-rickshaws expressed frustration that I didn’t allow them to pass and merge behind the Honda City ahead of me,” he recounted. Allegedly, the auto-rickshaw drivers attempted to intimidate him and force him to halt his car. Eventually, they succeeded in trapping him by stopping their vehicles in front of him.
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The video which was recorded by the dash camera of the victim’s car was shared by the automobile platform. “From the instant the tempered glass shattered, I began bleeding from my ear, along with my arms bearing fragments that caused punctures,” he detailed.