Third day of News24 Manthan program has started with AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh as the guest. Manthan 2025 started on January 15, 2025, at the ISOMES auditorium. On the first day, the audience welcomed Nitin Gadkari, who is the Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways in India. The event continued on the second day with special guests like Union Minister Chirag Paswan, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, BJP MP Anurag Thakur, Speaker Devkinandan Thakur and AIMIM MP Asaduddin Owaisi .
The political climate in Delhi is heating up as the assembly elections approach, with parties intensifying their campaign efforts. Amidst this, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh participated in an exclusive interview on News24’s Manthan 2025. During the interview, Singh candidly addressed several key issues.
Sanjay Singh stated that AAP began its election campaign six months ago, with party workers going door-to-door to inform the public about the government’s schemes. He highlighted that there are specific plans for women and the elderly. Notably, the Women’s Empowerment Scheme has already seen 40 lakh women register, which he believes will be a significant game-changer for AAP in the upcoming elections. Singh expressed confidence that AAP will win over 60 seats in the election.
Sanjay Singh also addressed the controversy surrounding AAP’s decision to provide a monthly honorarium of ₹18,000 for priests and Gurudwara Granthis, pointing out that opposition parties began protesting the move. He questioned whether the BJP held a monopoly over Hindu religious matters and criticized their objections.
Singh warned that if the BJP were to gain power in Delhi, they would likely dismantle crucial services like free electricity, water, and education, services which AAP had fought to establish and implement.
Further, he accused the BJP of spreading misinformation and undermining democracy, claiming that the opposition is being silenced in various states. Singh firmly asserted that AAP has the right leadership, vision, and policies to serve the people of Delhi.