Karnataka: In Hubli, Karnataka, on Wednesday, a government bus driver collided with a bullock cart, resulting in the immediate death of two bulls and causing serious injuries to the farmers riding in the cart. This accident occurred while the driver was making a reel.
In the alleged video of the incident, the bus driver is shown sitting at the wheel while his assistant films a reel. Shortly after, the video captures the bus crashing into the bullock cart from behind.
Farmers injured, two oxen killed after a speeding bus hits a bullock cart in Karnataka’s Hubballi.
The bus driver was making reels at the time of the accident.#Karnataka pic.twitter.com/oX3vBIuO75
— Vani Mehrotra (@vani_mehrotra) July 17, 2024
According to reports, the bus involved in the accident belongs to the North Western Road Transport Corporation and was en route to Bagalkot at the time of the incident.
The collision’s force was so intense that it caused the bulls to fall and bleed profusely until they died. The two farmers from Chakkadi, who were critically injured, were promptly taken to a nearby hospital.
Reports indicate that a case has been filed against the bus driver at the Hubli Rural police station.
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