A shocking incident took place in Dombivali in Thane, Maharashtra, where a 2-year-old child fell from the third floor of 13-storey building. A video of the incident shows a man who tried to save the child. Child slipped from the hand of the young man while trying to catch him. People are appreciating that man for his effort.
As soon as the child slipped, he fell on the feet of the young man, due to which he did not get seriously injured, the child is safe with minor injuries.
According to media reports, the incident took place last week in Devichapada locality. The child got minor injuries, said officials.
How Netizens Reacted?
A social media user wrote that, “Jako Rakhe Saiya Maar Sake Na koi.” Another user wrote that, “brother tried his best.” Also another user wrote that, “God sent that man to save the child.”
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