Indian Railways have IRCTC for the guiding the people who are using it. Now days people prefer booking tickets online rather than going to the platform or station to get ticket. Anyone can book their ticket from IRCTC website or the application.
Once such facility offered by the Indian Railways is IRCTC E-Wallet. If anyone is booking their tickets online then there is a good news for them, as the payment made by them will not fail because of IRCTC E-Wallet option.
Benefits Of IRCTC E-Wallet
Whenever you go for booking a train ticket online, you have to pay the gateway charge on the website and application of IRCTC. However, when you use the IRCTC E-Wallet, then you don’t have to pay this gateway charge.
Dur to this the payment process gets quick. If your ticket get cancelled then in that case, the amount will be credited to your e-wallet. People can add money in their e-wallet from their bank account.
How To Book train Ticket Using E-Wallet?
You need to visit the site of IRCTC, then you have to enter your ID and password. Following this step you need to go to the IRCTC Exclusive section. From there you need to select the e-wallet option. Following this you need to click on the e-wallet.
After doing this you will be able to see the top-up option. You need to add money in your e-wallet. People can add minimum Rs 100 and maximum of Rs 10,000 in their e-wallet. Once you do this, then you can directly pay using this e-wallet.