New Delhi: Vishwa Hindu Takht chief Viresh Shandilya has been detained on Monday who made the call to perform “Jalabhishek” in temples of Haryana’s Nuh. Due to the tense atmosphere, police had put Shandilya on “house arrest” since Sunday evening.
Haryana is on high alert with strict security measures in place after Sarv Jatiya Hindu Mahapanchayat on Monday called for a ‘Shobha Yatra’ organization in Nuh district despite the refusal of Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar regarding the procession.
On Sunday, Shandilya criticised Khattar for not allowing the Yatras to say “they don’t need any permission to visit a temple”. Meanwhile, the district government imposed Article 144, urging residents to avoid all forms of travel in Nuh.
Judge Ashwini Kumar of the Nuh Division said all educational institutions, including schools and colleges, as well as banks in the county would remain closed.
Shandilya had argued the police to show him a law that prevents him to perform “Jalabhishek.” However, after a long negotiation with the police, a group of Vishwa Hindu Takht led by Shandilya performed Jalabhishek at the temple located in Zone 1.
Meanwhile, Viresh Shandilya said we have requested an investigation into the violence perpetrated by the NIA. On August 5, he announced that he would be performing Jalabhishek at Nuh Shiva Temple on Sawan’s last Monday.
On August 13, Sarv Jatiya Hindu Mahapanchayat called for the resumption of Brij Mandal Shobha Yatra in Nuh on August 28, the festival was halted after violence broke out in the district in July.
According to police spokesman Nuh, 1,900 Haryana police and 24 companies of paramilitary forces have been deployed.
All entry points to the vicinity have been blocked and the road leading to Malhar Temple is also closed. However, traffic on the KMP and Delhi-Mumbai highways will continue as normal. The state government suspended mobile Internet service from August 26 to 28.