Shamli: A disturbing incident has emerged from Shamli district in Uttar Pradesh, where a video showing on-duty police officers drinking alcohol and partying in their office has gone viral. According to local media, the footage was taken in the Dial 112 office located in Mohalla Rail Par of Shamli.
डायल-112, आपकी सेवा में सदैव तत्पर !!
📍जिला शामली, उत्तर प्रदेश— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) July 17, 2024
The video clearly shows a group of policemen transforming their office into what resembles a party venue rather than a police station. The table was cluttered with water bottles, food items, liquor bottles, and glasses. The footage depicts officers serving each other drinks and engaging in casual conversation.
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The video shows three individuals sitting at a table, enjoying food and liquor. Among them, one person is dressed in casual clothes, while the other two are in uniform. One of the uniformed officers can be seen pouring liquor into another person’s glass. The footage, reportedly from the Dial 112 office in Shamli, Uttar Pradesh has gone viral. A case has been filed, and an investigation is currently ongoing.
This isn’t the first time such a shocking incident has been reported in India. Recently, a similar case emerged from Ahmedabad city in Gujarat on July 12, where a detained man was seen drinking alcohol inside a police van. The video, which shows a young man consuming beer inside a police truck, went viral on social media platforms, including X (formerly known as Twitter). The incident occurred near the Sabarmati Riverfront in Ahmedabad.