A 16-year-old girl allegedly died by suicide by jumping in front of a moving train in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, on Friday, said police. The deceased has been identified as Mehak, 16, who was a class 10 student and was a resident of Avantika Nagar in Gajraula Town, said the government railway police.
Police investigation revealed that on Friday morning Mehak left home for school. Instead of reaching school, she approached a railway line near the Bhanpur area in Amroha and allegedly jumped in front of a moving train. As locals came to know about the incident, they alerted police on the emergency helpline number, and later GRP police were alerted.
Police collected the remains of the body and sent for a postmortem. The exact reason behind the extreme step is yet to be ascertained, as the statements of grieved family members are not recorded yet. Police said that efforts are underway to ascertain the cause behind the death, and further investigation is underway.
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