Uttar Pradesh: In a shocking incident, a UP school teacher reportedly beat up an 8-year-old after he found him watching an obscene video in the classroom in Jhansi. According to the police, the teacher got furious upon seeing the victim and other classmates laughing at him while he was watching the adult film.
Reports stated that the accused teacher named Kuldeep Yadav grabbed the minor boy by his hair and allegedly slammed his head against the wall. Police have booked the accused teacher for questioning following the incident and an investigation is underway.
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The student’s father revealed that the teacher was reportedly watching porn on his phone during class, which resulted in the students discussing his act and giggling among themselves.
“Mr Yadav was angered by the students’ reaction, after which he abused and brutally thrashed my son. He grabbed him by his hair and slammed his head against the wall. He used a cane to thrash him. My son is injured. I have filed a police complaint against him,” the father said.
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