A 30-year-old man from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, named Badal Babu, crossed into Pakistan illegally to meet a woman he had befriended on Facebook. Babu had been chatting with 21-year-old Sana Rani from Pakistan for two and a half years and wanted to marry her. However, when he reached her village in Pakistan, he was arrested by the local police for crossing the border without permission.
Sana Rani told the police that she was not interested in marrying Babu. She said that although they had been friends online for a long time, she did not want to marry him. The police officer handling the case, Nasir Shah, confirmed that Babu had crossed into Mandi Bahauddin district in Punjab, Pakistan, but he was not sure if Babu met Rani before being arrested. There are also reports that intelligence officers questioned Rani and her family about the situation.
Badal Babu was arrested under Pakistan’s Foreign Act for traveling without legal documents. After his arrest, he shared his “love story” with the police. He was sent to court, and a judge placed him in judicial custody for 14 days. The next hearing is scheduled for January 10.
This is not the first time someone has crossed into Pakistan or India to meet a social media friend. In the past, an Indian woman named Anju went to Pakistan to marry her Facebook friend, and Seema Haider, a Pakistani woman, crossed into India to marry an Indian man Sachin she met online. Similarly, Pakistani girl Iqra Jiwani and Indian man Mulayam Yadav also met through an online game and later married in Nepal.
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