There are several schemes run by government of India. Through these scheme the government provide financial support to the people. One such Scheme is the Ayushman Bharat Scheme. This is a health scheme. Under this a financial support is given to people of certain amount so that they can get free treatment using that.
Now days health is a major concern in everyone’s life. This is where this government scheme solves problem of people. This scheme was started by central government in year 2018.
With this PM Ayushman Scheme, the government provide free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh to the beneficiaries. The scheme works in both private and government hospitals of the districts listed in the scheme.
Which State State Gives The Double Benefit Under This Scheme?
There is a state in India, where the double amount benefit is available for the beneficiaries. There the scheme offers treatment worth Rs 10 lakh instead of Rs 5 lakh. This service is available in Gujarat.