On Thursday, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin announced plans to build a new international airport in Hosur. The airport will cover 2,000 acres and will be able to handle 30 million passengers per year.
“The new airport, capable of accommodating 30 million passengers annually, will span across 2,000 acres,” MK Stalin told the Assembly.
The decision aims to stimulate investments and employment due to the presence of numerous manufacturing and industrial units in and around Hosur.
In response to MK Stalin’s announcement, Tamil Nadu Industries Minister TRB Rajaa described the new airport in Hosur as a significant advancement for the region. He emphasized that the project would improve connectivity and stimulate economic growth, benefiting Hosur, Dharmapuri, and Salem districts. Additionally, it would enhance ties with Bengaluru and foster a twin-city ecosystem due to Hosur’s favorable weather conditions, promoting development across Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
Hosur already has strong connections to EXIM gateways and is close to major business hubs and industrial clusters like Chennai, Tiruvallur, Sriperumbudur, and Coimbatore. It has become a center for auto and EV manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, logistics, and electronics. Additionally, it is evolving into an IT hub with a planned IT park.
Well-known companies like Tata Electronics, TVS, Ashok Leyland, Titan, and Rolls-Royce (IAMPL) have set up major operations in the region.
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