Tamil Nadu: At least six people were reportedly killed on Saturday following an explosion at a firecracker manufacturing factory in Sattur area, Virudhunagar. Preliminary investigation revealed that the blast occurred while the workers were busy in the making firecrackers at the factory.
News9 LIVE quoted a senior police officer as saying, “Six people have died in the blast. Two people have been seriously injured. The injured have been rescued and admitted to a nearby hospital for treatment. The fire department, which arrived at the scene after receiving information, extinguished the fire and is engaged in rescue operations.”
Tamil Nadu | An explosion took place at a firecracker manufacturing factory in the Sattur area of Virudhunagar district. Details awaited: Fire & Rescue Department Officials
— ANI (@ANI) January 4, 2025
The identity of the deceased and the cause of the blast has not been determined yet, police said. Further investigations are underway.
In yet another incident on Wednesday, a person died while five others sustained injuries after a massive explosion at the Agrawal Steel Plant at Pennepalli in Tirupati district ,Andhra Pradesh. The incident reportedly occurred around 10:15 pm.
Eyewitnesses reported that they saw a large fireball erupting from the plant, followed by several smaller blasts.
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