While conducting a raid, the Railway Police Force (RPF) of Northern Railways seized a staggering haul of gold, silver, and cash worth Rs. 5 crore transported via trains, on September 5. According to ANI reports, continuous search operations were being conducted under the supervision of Inspector General, Railway Protection Force followed by the instructions of RPF’s Director General.
An official release stated that the Railway Protection Force seized illegal gold, silver, and cash over Rs. 5 crore, while inspecting various trains at New Delhi, Ambala and Bathinda stations, on September 5, 2024.
Massive Recovery Of Valuables By RPF Team
Inspector-in-Charge of RPF Ambala Cantonment and his team recovered 2 kg of gold jewellery and additional artificial jewellery valued at ₹1,51,60,000, and ₹5,00,000 in cash from two trolley bags, during a search operation on Paschim Express (Train No. 42926).
The release further mentioned that investigations surrounding the case are being carried out by the Income Tax Department and the Election Committee, Ambala.
Significant Recovery During Search Operations
Additionally, 42 laptops and other electronic items valued at Rs. 16,01,499 were confiscated during the inspection of Bikaner Express’s (42455) general coach by RPF Bathinda. A case has been filed against six people under the Railway Act, with the Sales Tax and Income Tax departments already been notified, the release added.
The search operations were being conducted in view of the upcoming assembly elections in Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir.
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