Noida traffic police on Saturday issued an e-challan of Rs 33,000 after a video went viral on social media platforms which shows that three men turned a busy roundabout into a dangerous stage for a risky stunt. They put on a “round and round” song from Squid Game Season 2, while acting the scene on their SUV.
The men, riding in a Delhi-registered Toyota Fortuner SUV, took the dangerous act to new heights late at night, performing loops around the roundabout while one man stood next to the front door while a third sat on the rooftop. The entire stunt was accompanied by the Squid Game track, adding to the reckless atmosphere.
#उत्तर प्रदेश : नोएडा में BJP झंडा लगी फॉरच्यूनर कार पर लटककर Reel बनवाई,
— Snatni Radhe Shyam Pasi (@RadheShyam15800) January 4, 2025
पुलिस ने 33 हजार का चालान काटकर रिटर्न गिफ्ट घर भेजा
The SUV, adorned with a BJP flag on its bonnet, drew the attention of social media users, many of whom condemned the men for their blatant disregard of safety and traffic laws. The video quickly went viral, prompting a swift response from the Noida Police, who launched an investigation into the matter.
As the video went viral, the police issued a challan of ₹33,000 to the vehicle owner for multiple violations, including dangerous driving, failure to wear seat belts, using tinted glass, and operating a vehicle without valid insurance.
As the video gained traction online, calls for stricter enforcement of traffic regulations grew louder, with many expressing concern over the safety of other road users and pedestrians. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible driving and the need for greater awareness of road safety, especially in high-traffic areas like Noida’s busy roundabouts.