A shocking incident has surfaced in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. A salon worker engaged in a repulsive act with a customer by spitting on their face before giving a massage. The customer, growing suspicious, reviewed the shop’s CCTV footage, revealing the truth. Consequently, the customer filed a complaint against the employee at the Sushant Golf City police station. The police, acting on the complaint, registered a case and arrested the accused.
A video is currently going viral on social media, showing a salon employee spitting on a customer’s face during a massage. The entire incident was recorded on the salon’s CCTV. When the video emerged, it left viewers shocked.
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Thook Jihad…
Zaid, who runs a salon, was caught giving massage by spitting on it. Lucknow police have filed FIR on the victim’s complaint. pic.twitter.com/BsZ2XAVmry
— BALA (@erbmjha) June 16, 2024
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Following the incident, various comments have surfaced on social media. The issue was uncovered when a suspicious customer checked the shop’s CCTV footage. It revealed that a salon employee named Zaid was spitting into the massage on the customer’s face.
The customer reported the incident to the police, using the CCTV footage as evidence. Acting on the complaint, the police registered a case against Zaid at Sushant Golf City police station. After conducting an investigation, Lucknow police arrested the salon employee Zaid.
Recently, in Shamli, Uttar Pradesh, a similar incident occurred, leading the police to register a case and arrest the accused. A video of the event went viral. In the footage, the salon owner was seen applying cream to a customer’s face, prompting the customer to close his eyes.
Once his eyes were closed, the customer started to relax. However, during the face massage, the salon owner brought his hand to his mouth, spat on it, mixed the spit with the cream, and then rubbed it on the customer’s face.
Unaware of the salon owner’s actions, the customer continued to enjoy the massage, while another customer recorded the entire scene on their mobile phone. The video quickly went viral on social media. Following the video’s circulation, the police promptly arrested the salon owner.