Pune: In a shocking and bizarre incident, a class 7 student from a reputed school in Pune’s Daund reportedly offered Rs 100 to another student for raping and murdering his classmate. According to Daund Police, the accused student was angry at the victim after she complained to the class teacher about the boy copying his parent’s signature on his report card. In an attempt to take revenge, the Class 7 student offered to pay Rs 100 to a senior student for murdering the girl.
Daund Police on Sunday charged the school principal and two other teachers following a complaint by the victim’s father against the school on November 23. The girl’s father alleged that the school failed to acknowledge the matter and ignored their repeated complaints. He further stated that the accused student was merely given a scolding and was freed.
Police booked all three for an inquiry on Tuesday. They have been charged under the Juvenile Justice Act section 75 as well as sections 3 (5) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), as per reports. According to Daund Police Inspector Gopal Pawar, the headmaster, and the two teachers tried to conceal the matter although they were aware of it. The accused being a minor has been exempted from legal action.
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