New Delhi: A group of Hindu Sena members protest outside BBC Media House on Wednesday. Following this, security was beefed up outside the BBC office in Kasturba Gandhi Road, New Delhi. Several ITBP personnel were deployed outside HT House. Officials of the Income Tax Department of BBC are conducting the survey for the second day as well.
The survey campaign continued on the second day as well
As Hindu Sena protesters approached the BBC office, police forces confiscated several banners and placards. Meanwhile, the Income Tax Department continued its second day of survey operations in several BBC offices in Delhi and Mumbai. The surveys are being conducted in India as part of an alleged tax evasion probe against the British broadcaster.
According to media reports, tax officials are talking to employees of the BBC’s finance and some other departments. I-T department sources told news agency PTI that some computers and mobile phones were cloned as part of the operation.
Opposition made allegations
Meanwhile the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has accused the BBC of “poisonous reporting”. At the same time, several opposition parties have alleged that the crackdown on the media house comes weeks after it released a two-part documentary – “India: The Modi Question”. The Congress condemned the Income Tax survey and asked what image of India Prime Minister Narendra Modi was projecting with such actions at a time when the country was hosting the G-20.
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