New Delhi: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Wednesday said the state police will take care of Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut security and an investigation will also be launched to find out if the call is a “stunt”.
CM Shinde said, “We will investigate the threat call to Sanjay Raut. We will also investigate if this is a stunt, the state police will take care of security.”
"We will investigate the threat call to Sanjay Raut. We will also investigate if this is a stunt, the state police will take care of security," says Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde
— ANI (@ANI) February 22, 2023
This comes a day later Raut wrote a letter to Deputy Cheif Minister Devendra Fadnavis claiming that a gangster named Raja Thakur has been given a contract to kill the the Shiv Sena (UBT) leader.
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“I have received information that a notorious goon Raja Thakur of Thane has been given a contract by Shrikant Shinde to kill me,” said Sanjay Raut in a letter addressed to Deputy CM, Mumbai CP and Thane CP.
“After the change of government in Maharashtra, my security was withdrawn. I do not have any complaint about it. Such political decisions keep happening. Looking at the current situation in Maharashtra, this issue needs to be brought to your attention,” added Raut in the letter.
"After the change of government in Maharashtra, my security was withdrawn. I don't have any complaint about it. Such political decisions keep happening. Looking at the current situation in Maharashtra, this issue needs to be brought to your attention," the letter reads further
— ANI (@ANI) February 21, 2023
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