In a new development in Saif Ali Khan’s attack case, the Mumbai Police has uncovered a potential lead suggesting that the attacker may have scouted Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s house, ‘Mannat,’ before targeting Saif and Kareena’s Bandra apartment. This suspicion arises as the accused’s image captured on Saif’s apartment CCTV matches that of a suspicious individual seen in Mannat’s footage, with both images showing a person of similar height and build. However, he reportedly failed to barge inside the rseidence because of high security.
This new twist surfaced at a time when the Mumbai Police had detained the accused and taken him to Bandra Police Station. Following the attack on Saif, a police team visited Shah Rukh Khan’s residence “Mannat” to further investigate the matter. Authorities are investigating a potential connection between the two incidents. Reports indicate that following the attack, further police investigation revealed suspicious activity near Shah Rukh Khan’s residence, Mannat, on January 14. It is also reported that a person using an iron ladder was seen inspecting ‘Mannat.’ However, the police have not released further details on this.
Attack On Saif Ali Khan
The attack on Saif Ali Khan occurred late Wednesday night at his Bandra home in Mumbai. The actor was stabbed six times by the intruder, suffering severe injuries. He underwent surgery to remove the knife and treat a spinal fluid leak. Fortunately, Saif is now out of danger and recovering from the traumatic incident. CCTV footage obtained from the apartment shows that the attacker managed to enter the building due to inadequate security and climbed to the 12th floor where the actor resides.
Mumbai Police have brought one individual to the Bandra Police station for questioning. The person was detained as part of the police’s efforts to unravel the circumstances surrounding the violent incident that took place at the actor’s residence. Authorities are trying to piece together the details of the attack, including the suspect’s motives and how they managed to break into the high-security residence. As the investigation progresses, the police are closely examining all leads to ensure a thorough resolution to the case.
Saif Ali Khan Rushed To Hospital By Son Ibrahim In An Auto
Saif was awakened to the sounds of a confrontation between his servant and an intruder who had entered their home. The thief attempted a break-in but was confronted by Saif’s servant. During the scuffle, the actor was injured, sustaining six stab wounds. Two of these injuries were deep, with one wound close to his spine.
A team of expert doctors, including Neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange, Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Leena Jain, and Anaesthetist Dr. Nisha Gandhi, is performing the surgery. According to Dr. Uttamani, the surgery began at 5:30 am and was still ongoing at 8:30 am. The doctors have assured that they will be able to determine the full extent of the injuries once the procedure is completed. He even got stabbed near his spine and a 2.5-inch knife was removed from his back by the doctors in an operation later in the day in Lilavati Hospital where the actor was rushed by his son Ibrahim Ali Khan.