The attacker, who allegedly entered the home of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan, demanded Rs 1 crore before engaging in a fight with the actor, according to reports. A CCTV image of the attacker was also revealed. He entered the actor’s house around 2:30 a.m. on Thursday via the fire escape stairs.
Sources revealed that the attackers demanded Rs 1 crore. Police said that the nurse, who was tasked with caring for Jehangir, had been employed around four years ago. She was the one who first spotted the attackers due to noises.
When she saw that the lights were on, she assumed that maybe Kareena Kapoor Khan was inside the room. “I went to sleep, but as I observed that something was wrong, I woke up and was shocked to find a man coming out of the washroom and going into a room.”
When she confronted the attacker, he directed her to keep quiet and demanded Rs 1 crore, sources revealed. Later, another house help woke up and then Saif Ali Khan. As Saif protested, the attacker, who was armed with a stick and sharp edge weapon attacked.
According to reports, the actor suffered multiple injuries including on his neck, hands and back, before the he fled from his house.