Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently shared her fond memories of watching the acclaimed Japanese animated film Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama in 1993, as the film is set for a re-release this Sunday.
Taking to her official X handle, Sitharaman posted a note reflecting on the experience, writing, “A beautiful animated Ramayana. Fondly remember watching this Japanese cultural treasure sometime back. Was screened at International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in 1993. It now releases in the big screen (sic).” Along with her note, she shared the film’s trailer.
A beautiful animated Ramayana. Fondly remember watching this Japanese cultural treasure sometime back.
— Nirmala Sitharaman (@nsitharaman) January 18, 2025
Was screened at International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in 1993 . It now releases in the big screen.
In a follow-up post, she informed her followers that the re-release would be available in both Telugu and Hindi, expanding its reach to a wider audience.
The internet quickly responded to Sitharaman’s post, with one user commenting, “Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama is a must-watch for all.” Another user inquired, “Why wasn’t it released on big screens in 1993?” While yet another added, “Fine Madam , now will you please simplify and reduce income taxes please! We already know ramayana story very well.”
Originally released in 1993, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama is a collaborative anime film co-produced by India and Japan. Directed by Yugo Sako, Koichi Sasaki, and Ram Mohan, the film features an English-dubbed version with voices by Nikhil Kapoor, Rael Padamsee, Uday Mathan, Mishal Varma, and Noel Godin.