On Wednesday, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) appointed Rahul Navin, a 1993-batch officer of the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), as its new director. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, made the decision.
राहुल को अब राहुल से मुलाक़ात होंगी
राहुल नविन ED के नए डायरेक्टर बनाये गए!
IRS राहुल नवीन 1993 बैच के अधिकारी हैं .अभी ED में स्पेशल डायरेक्टर के पद पर तैनात हैं. कैबिनेट कमेटी ने राहुल नवीन को दो वर्ष के लिए ED के डायरेक्टर पद पर नियुक्ति को मंजूरी दी है.#ED । #RahulNavin pic.twitter.com/90Wobr9YsX---Advertisement---— आशीष चौधरी (@TholiaAshish) August 14, 2024
Successor to Sanjay Kumar Mishra
Navin steps into the role following the completion of Sanjay Kumar Mishra’s tenure as ED director on September 15, 2023. Prior to this, Navin held the position of Special Director within the central probe agency.
Mentorship and Experience
During his time at the ED, Navin closely worked with Mishra, gaining invaluable experience and insights under his mentorship. This preparation was pivotal as he transitioned into the director’s role.
Ordinance Extends Leadership Tenures
Navin’s appointment follows a government ordinance promulgated last year that allows the tenures of ED and CBI chiefs to be extended by up to three years beyond the mandated two-year term. Currently, the ED is investigating over 100 political leaders across the country, with nearly 95 percent of them belonging to opposition parties.